Category: Oral Hygiene

How Long Do Mouth Sores Take to Go Away?

How Long Do Mouth Sores Take to Go Away?

Mouth sores can be bothersome, but they usually don’t last very long, with one caveat. Any sore lasting more than two weeks should be checked by your dentist. In addition to cavities, mouth sores are among the most common oral ailments. While painful, mouth sores usually don’t indicate a serious medical condition and typically resolve

How Long Does It Take to Fill a Cavity?

How Long Does It Take to Fill a Cavity?

Don’t think you have the time to get a cavity filled? Guess what — it doesn’t take that long, and it’s worth your time in the long run. Do you have a toothache that won’t go away? It might be a cavity! If you’re thinking that filling a cavity is time-consuming, you can stop worrying.

How Does My Period Affect Gum Health?

How Does My Period Affect Gum Health?

Menstruation causes many changes in a woman’s body, but did you know that it can also affect the gums? Menstruation affects the body in so many ways. Most women experience weight gain, irritability, and food cravings in the days leading up to their period. Yet you may be surprised to learn that the menstrual cycle

What's a Normal Tooth Extraction Healing Time?

What’s a Normal Tooth Extraction Healing Time?

Are you feeling nervous about getting a tooth pulled? There’s no need! With these tips, you’ll heal in no time. No one wants to get a tooth extracted, but sometimes it must be done. If a tooth is so severely decayed that it cannot be saved by a filling, crown, or root canal, it must

How is Debridement Different From Other Cleanings?

How is Debridement Different From Other Cleanings?

Sometimes you may need more than standard dental cleaning. That’s where a full mouth debridement comes in. Suppose you went to the dentist and were told you needed a full mouth debridement instead of a regular cleaning. Naturally, you may wonder, “What is a debridement, and why do I need it?” A full mouth debridement

How Does Mouth Spray Help With Dry Mouth?

How Does Mouth Spray Help With Dry Mouth?

A mouth spray provides quick relief from dry mouth symptoms. But is it a permanent solution? Saliva plays an essential role in your oral health. Saliva whisks away decay-causing bacteria and keeps your mouth moisturized. But when your saliva glands don’t produce enough liquid, your mouth feels dry and painful, making it difficult to speak

Keep Your Lips Safe This Summer in the Sun!

Keep Your Lips Safe This Summer in the Sun!

You probably already know the importance of covering your arms and legs with sunscreen, but did you know that it’s just as essential to protect your lips from the sun? It’s summertime! Time to enjoy the outdoors. When you pack for the beach, you know to bring sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.

Are You a Diabetes Patient? Here’s How to Maintain That Healthy Mouth!

Diabetes doesn’t only affect how your body processes sugar. It can also impact your teeth and gums if you don’t take care of your oral health! Diabetes affects your entire body — including your mouth. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 34.2 million Americans (roughly one in 10) have diabetes, a disease

How to Combat Mask Mouth

Yes — there is such a thing as mask mouth, and you’re not alone! But there are ways you can combat it.  The COVD-19 pandemic normalized wearing masks around the mouth to stop the spread of the virus. Although some COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, masks are still required in most settings, especially public indoor

Am I Allergic to My Toothpaste?

Although just less than 1% of the population has a contact allergy to toothpaste, you should still know the signs of an allergic reaction. With countless varieties of toothpaste on the market today, finding the right one can be tough. After all, you’ll want to take into account the flavor, brand, type, list of active