What To Do if You’ve Lost a Dental Filling

dental filling
Author: nmaartens Posted: October 12th, 2022 Category:

Dental fillings are durable, but they can still sometimes fall out. Here’s what to do if you need a new filling.

Suppose you’re at work or eating dinner. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your mouth, or a tooth suddenly feels extremely sensitive. Or maybe you don’t experience any pain but realize something is wrong with your teeth. You then see that a dental filling is loose or has fallen out completely.

Don’t panic! Getting a new filling is an easy fix. But first, you must contact your dentist for the earliest possible appointment. Even if you can’t get to see your dentist immediately, you can protect your tooth from further damage and reduce any pain. Here’s what you need to do if you’ve lost a dental filling.

Why do fillings fall out?

Although dental fillings are durable, they don’t last forever. Depending upon the materials used to fill the cavity, the filling can remain viable for five to 30 years. 

However, the shelf life of a filling can shorten if new decay forms around it, causing it to loosen or fall out. Trauma to the tooth can also dislodge the filling. You may lose a filling if you grind your teeth at night, chew vigorously, or bite down on hard, crunchy foods. Sometimes, the bond between the filling and tooth weakens due to a chemical reaction. The filling could also simply get old and wear out.

Without the protection your filling offers, your tooth becomes a magnet for decay-causing bacteria, particularly to the layer of dentin under the enamel. As dentin wears away, your tooth becomes more sensitive. Further decay and damage can lead to more serious dental problems, so make an appointment immediately to replace the missing filling.

What to do if your filling falls out

Your dentist can fit you in on an emergency basis if you need a new filling. Even so, you may not be able to get an appointment on the same day. If that’s the case, you may have to wait a day or two. In the meantime, you can take measures to reduce any pain and protect the tooth:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medications or apply a numbing agent to the tooth and gums.
  • Apply clove oil to the exposed tooth. Clove oil is available in pharmacies.
  • Rinse with warm water and salt to remove bacteria and food particles.
  • Press a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Fill the exposed cavity with dental wax or temporary dental cement.
  • Don’t chew on the exposed tooth.

These tips should tide you over until you see your dentist. At that time, your dentist will take an X-ray to assess the status of the tooth. You’ll most likely need a new filling to replace the old one. If the cavity has hit a nerve deep in the tooth, you may require a root canal or crown. In rare circumstances of extensive damage, the tooth may require extraction.

Protect your filling

To keep your filling intact for as long as possible, take care of it like any other tooth. Here are some tips:

  • Brush and floss daily to reduce bacterial buildup.
  • Don’t bite down on hard foods like nutshells, candy, or ice.
  • Avoid sticky sweets that can stick to fillings and force them out.
  • Wear a night guard if you grind your teeth.
  • Try not to clench your teeth.

And most importantly, see your dentist regularly. Alert any sensitivities you may have that could indicate a loose filling. Your dentist can also spot any problems with a filling before it falls out. 

Take care of your fillings!

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Oklahoma City location today! Our highly trained dentists can check your teeth and repair any loose or lost filling. Don’t live near our Oklahoma City office? Find one of our other locations near you.

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Oklahoma City, OK 73120