Three Tips for a Brighter Smile

Wish you had whiter teeth?

Here are three natural ways you can brighten your smile.

We’ve all seen them — those dazzling smiles almost too bright and gleaming to be real. The good news is that everyone can have their own set of pearly whites, often just by making some easy lifestyle changes.

While new technology has made brightening your smile easier than ever, one thing to keep in mind is that teeth are never purely white. Naturally occurring color variations are both perfectly healthy and to be expected. If you’re looking to lighten your teeth a few shades without having to undergo treatment, here are three things you can do.

Natural Ways to Keep Your Teeth White

Maintain a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

The first step to keeping your teeth bright and white is to practice good oral hygiene. Ideally, this includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing to remove plaque and buildup, and using mouthwash to get rid of bacteria that can cause plaque. Brushing right after you eat can help keep your teeth stain-free, and you can incorporate whitening toothpaste into your routine for added brightness.

Be Careful About What You Eat and Drink

There are certain foods and beverages that can lead to tooth discoloration if consumed regularly. The usual culprits include red wine, coffee, tea, sports drinks, soft drinks, and even some berries. These foods get their color from deeply pigmented molecules called chromogens, which bind to the enamel of your teeth. Limiting your consumption of these foods can help prevent stains, as can brushing your teeth immediately afterward to keep the chromogens from sticking. Acidic foods like citrus can also weaken your enamel, which leads to easier staining. However, you should avoid brushing your teeth right after eating acidic foods, as this can damage your enamel.

While not exactly food, avoiding or quitting smoking is another important factor in keeping your teeth white. Beyond being bad for your lungs, smoking or chewing tobacco can also lead to a bevy of other issues, including heart and mouth problems. Significant tooth discoloration is one side effect.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Seeing a dentist at least once a year — every six months if you have the means to do so — is another key part of keeping your teeth white. Regular appointments with a dentist will help prevent or treat problems that could lead to tooth decay or discoloration. The professional touch can help keep your teeth cleaner and your smile brighter.

If the Stains Are Stubborn

If you’re doing all these things and still aren’t seeing the results you want, you might want to consider professional whitening. Take-home options like whitening strips, which use hydrogen peroxide, are popular because they remove stains faster than whitening toothpaste and are more cost-effective than in-office dentist treatments. You’ll want to be careful with wearing strips too frequently or too long, though — doing so can damage your gums and lead to tooth sensitivity.

If you want quicker results, seeing a dentist might be your best bet. In-office whitening tends to be more expensive than take-home options, but letting the professionals take over means they can use higher concentrations of the whitening agents while still keeping your gums protected.

Ready to brighten your smile?

Contact us today to schedule a cleaning or discuss the whitening options we offer.