What You Need To Know About Full Mouth Restorations

Full mouth reconstruction can be a very daunting process, especially if you are just beginning to research it and question whether it is right for you. Luckily, your dental specialist can give you full answers on exactly what procedures you may need. In the meantime, the why, what, and how are explained for you to begin considering the process – along with the most important question: How much? Why Do Patients Get Full Mouth Reconstruction? There are a variety of levels in which candidates are in need of full mouth restoration. Some choose to get certain procedures in this field simply because they have chronic pain in the jaw accompanied by headaches. For others, some of the teeth are unhealthy in one way or another. Fracturing or otherwise injuring teeth is a cause for reconstruction, and so is wear on teeth from grinding or acid erosion. In many cases, the reconstruction can be performed on patients who have lost a tooth or teeth due to trauma or decay. If any of these hit close to home, then full mouth restoration could be one possible option for your oral health. What Procedures Are Involved? Every case for full mouth restoration is different, and only your dental specialist can tell you which procedures you need. Some patients need only periodontal (gum) care and teeth cleaning, gum tissue contouring, or simpler procedures such as crown lengthening or mild surgery to reposition an unstable jaw. Even simpler procedures can require several visits; for example, natural teeth often need reduced in order to next place a veneer, bridge, or crown. Permanent restorations such as these are common in full mouth restoration. In more serious cases, implants will be used to replace teeth or to anchor bridge restorations, or grafting will be needed for the stability of bone or soft tissue. Most often, a restoration will take multiple visits and will be completed in several phases. How Does It Work? The process will start with a full examination of your teeth and oral health. The teeth’s condition will be the primary factor when determining which procedures you’ll need, from veneers and crowns to full implants. During examination, your dentist will note details such as the movement of your teeth, cavities, decay, cracks, and root canal issues. Your dentist will next examine your gums to decide whether you need root planing or scaling, which treat periodontal disease, or special treatment form a periodontist. The stability of your bite is next on the list. If you are in pain while chewing or moving your jaw in any way, you may need occlusal changes to correct your jaw muscles and temporomandibular joints. Last, your dentist will surely take into account the overall look of your teeth, including size, shape, proportion, and color. Your teeth’s relation to your gums, lips, and face are also indicators of whether full mouth restoration at any level is necessary. How Much Will I Have To Pay? Again, it’s important to remember that every full mouth restoration is different than the next. A good ballpark figure would be $800 to $1,500 for each tooth repaired, but that doesn’t include many factors that may be needed, and does not take insurance into account. A full reconstruction can even cost upwards of $45,000 or more. Your individual diagnosis and plan for treatment will determine your overall price, and then your dental insurance and possible financing options will likely counteract it.