Category: Dental Implants

Four Tips to Speed Up Your Dental Capping Recovery Process

Four Tips to Speed Up Your Dental Capping Recovery Process

A dental crown can last a long time, but it also depends on how you treat it in the days following the capping procedure. Suppose your dental crown has been fitted, and you’re finally free from the pain of a badly decayed tooth. Now what? As with any dental procedure, what you do after the

How Old is Too Old to Get Veneers in Wyoming?

How Old is Too Old to Get Veneers in Wyoming?

People weigh various factors when deciding whether or not to get veneers. But age shouldn’t be one of those considerations. Are you onsidering getting dental veneers but think you may be too old? You can stop hesitating because there is no age limit for veneers! You can get veneers at any age to brighten and

How Long Does a Dental Crown Procedure Take in Wyoming?

How Long Does a Dental Crown Procedure Take in Wyoming?

Dental crown procedures are performed often. And it doesn’t take too long to get one. Here’s what you need to know. Usually, a cavity is fixed with a filling. Yet if the decay has eroded a large portion of a tooth, it likely cannot be treated with a simple filling. But there are other options

Can I Get Cavities with Veneers?

Can I Get Cavities with Veneers?

Veneers are a great way to enhance your smile. But they won’t protect you from cavities if you don’t care for your teeth. Veneers have become a go-to cosmetic dental procedure in recent years. Made of either porcelain or composite resin, veneers improve the appearance of a tooth that is discolored, chipped, or oddly shaped.

Will Listerine Damage My Veneers?

Will Listerine Damage My Veneers?

Can your favorite mouthwash damage your veneers? You’ll have to look at what’s in the product. After getting veneers, your dentist will recommend following good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing every day. But can you still rinse with mouthwash? Can you use a popular brand like Listerine? Will it damage your veneers?

What Types of Veneers Can I Get in Wyoming?

What Types of Veneers Can I Get in Wyoming?

Are you thinking about getting veneers? You have plenty of types to choose from! Learn about each type below.  Since the 1930s, dental veneers have been used to improve the appearance of chipped, discolored, or misshapen teeth. Compared to more extensive and expensive procedures such as crowns or implants, veneers are a less costly option

Getting Dentures in Wyoming

Getting Dentures in Wyoming

Do you need to replace missing teeth? You can easily get dentures at Espire Dental in Wyoming. Losing a tooth or several teeth can be upsetting. You want your smile back as soon as possible! Enter: dentures. With natural-looking dentures, you can speak, eat, and smile as you did before. But deciding whether to get

Dental Implant Pain: What's Considered Normal?

Dental Implant Pain: What’s Considered Normal?

Pain after a dental implant procedure is expected. But when does it indicate a complication? No one likes seeing a gap in their teeth. Fortunately, you have three viable options from which to choose to fill that space. Dentures, bridges, or dental implants all replace missing teeth. Of the three, dental implants offer the strongest,