Our Blog

Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

Do you know that the most frequent cause of tooth loss among adults is gum disease? Severe gum disease is called periodontitis. Regular check-ups with your dentist are critical, but there are warning signs for gum disease that everyone should be looking for. SIGNS OF GUM DISEASE Gums that bleed frequently Gums that are tender,

Gently Now (Protect Your Gums When You Brush)

Everyone wants nice, pearly whites so, naturally, we should brush our teeth more, right? The only issue with that is many individuals brush their teeth too aggressively, leading to receding gums.  You don’t want that. Gum recession is when your gum line exposes more of your teeth, or in severe cases, your tooth root. It leads

Five Terrific Reasons to Consider Orthodontic Treatment

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? If the answer is “No” because your teeth aren’t straight or your bite is misaligned, we have another question for you. Why haven’t you explored orthodontic treatment? Let’s discuss five compelling reasons to consider getting braces. 1. A little can go a long

Five Cavity Basics

Cavities and tooth decay are among the world’s most common health problems. They’re especially common in children, teenagers and older adults. But anyone who has teeth can get cavities, including infants. If cavities aren’t treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of your teeth.The desire to prohibit cavities is one of the main reasons

Let Us Ease Your Dental Anxiety in La Mesa

Are you worried about seeing the dentist? Are you worried about discussing your smile with a professional? Do you experience severe dental anxiety in La Mesa? That’s alright because we understand and we’re here to help. Settling into the reality of what you are prepared to discuss with your dentist is the first step to

Dental Implants Prevent Physical and Psychological Problems

Do you have missing teeth? Then you are not alone. Even though the U.S. is one of the most advanced countries in the world, tooth loss is commonplace. In middle age, it tends to become more common. According to Harvard Medical School, the average adult has lost 12 permanent teeth by the age of 50.

Celebrating the Past and Looking to the Future at Jeff Gray DDS

It has now been over 150 years since the first dental license was issued to Sir John Tomes. California dental patients should be grateful for the advances made in dentistry during the past century and a half. There was a time when San Diego blacksmiths and wig makers would also extract teeth with forceps to

Let’s Talk About It

Hello, and welcome to the blog of  Jeff Gray DDS – Sedation & Cosmetic Dentistry in La Mesa. We are devoted to upgrading smiles through cosmetic dentistry. Few physical improvements have such a meaningful effect on attractiveness and self-confidence as a smile makeover. Excellent oral health and an attractive smile contribute to the overall physical

Cosmetic Dentistry in La Mesa: Want a Reason to Smile All the Time?

If you are not happy with your smile, we invite you to think about a complete smile redesign. With cosmetic dentistry in La Mesa, you could not only look and feel younger, but you could also increase your confidence in yourself. You’ll find yourself smiling all the time, showing off those pearly whites. Hello and

Cosmetic Dental Artistry

La Mesa cosmetic dentistry is part science and part art. I’m Jeff Gray of Jeff Gray DDS – Sedation & Cosmetic Dentistry and enjoy using my extensive dental training and artistic skills to design treatment plans unique to each of my La Mesa cosmetic dental patients. In order to achieve an attractive, yet natural-looking result, I do much more than