Can I Straighten My Teeth Without Braces?

Author: Espire Dental Posted: January 2nd, 2023 Category:

Do you need to straighten your teeth? Braces might not be your only option! 

Everyone wants a beautiful smile with straight, pearly white teeth. But if you weren’t born with a perfect smile, you may think the only alternative is a set of clunky metal braces. For some, the thought of wearing braces may make them hesitant to correct their alignment. Yet there are many other ways to straighten teeth without braces.

If you have minor overcrowding issues or small gaps between teeth, you may benefit greatly from orthodontic treatment that doesn’t involve braces. Malocclusions such as an overbite or underbite can also be corrected with non-brace alternatives. You can achieve the desired results quickly without paying as much as you would for traditional braces. With so many advantages, why not consider exploring how you can get straighter teeth without braces?

Five alternatives to braces

Crooked teeth aren’t just a cosmetic issue. When teeth aren’t aligned, you’ll have a more challenging time brushing and flossing, which leaves your mouth vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. A misaligned bite also makes it difficult to speak and chew. Malocclusions can strain your jaw and teeth, leading to jaw pain and broken teeth. 

If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth, talk to your dentist about these five alternatives:

Retainers. Typically worn after braces come off, retainers can shift teeth into position as a standalone treatment. They’re also less bulky and noticeable than braces. Retainers work best for  minor overcrowding or slightly crooked teeth. 

Clear aligners. Clear aligners like Invisalign have become a popular alternative to wire braces. You’ll receive a new set of aligners every two weeks, gradually pulling the teeth into position. You can remove the aligners, but you must wear them at least 20 hours a day for maximum benefit. Although direct-from-the-manufacturer aligners are widely advertised on the Internet, always consult your dentist when being fitted with an aligner.

Headgear or Herbst appliance. Do you have a misaligned bite? A Herbst appliance can correct it. Your doctor will place a small metal arm in your mouth, which is then attached to the molar in your upper and lower jaw. Over the course of a year, your orthodontist will make minor adjustments to move the lower jaw into the proper position. For an overbite, headgear can be used. It wraps around the back of the head or neck with wires threaded around the side of the face and into the mouth. The device shifts the teeth and jaw into place with gentle pressure. Although these appliances are noticeable, you only have to wear them for a few hours daily.

Veneers. Veneers are an excellent solution for fixing gaps between teeth, broken teeth, or misshapen teeth. Your dentist will remove a slight amount of enamel on the tooth and then cement the veneer to it.

Palatal expander. Often used for children to prevent overcrowding, a palatal expander is secured to the upper molars. Over several visits, the orthodontist adjusts the expander to increase the width of the mouth so the teeth will grow into position. 

The bottom line is that braces aren’t the only way to achieve straighter teeth. Talk to your dentist about these alternatives, and soon you’ll have the smile you want.

Get straighter teeth at Espire Dental

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Mission Valley, California, location today! Our highly trained dentists can discuss alternatives to braces so you can have beautiful straight teeth. Don’t live near our Mission Valley, CA, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Mission Valley, CA
8989 Rio San Diego Drive
Suite 170
San Diego, CA 92108