Category: California

Foods to Avoid With Veneers

Foods to Avoid With Veneers

Veneers are highly durable, but they’re not indestructible. Keep them in perfect condition by avoiding foods that may damage them. Since the 1930s, dental veneers have improved the appearance of crooked, chipped, stained, or imperfect teeth. Compared to crowns and implants, veneers are a less expensive option to restore teeth. With proper care, veneers can

What Does Pain from Periodontal Disease Feel Like?

What Does Pain from Periodontal Disease Feel Like?

Painful gums can indicate periodontal disease. But there are other signs to look out for as well. Periodontal disease progresses so gradually that most patients don’t realize their gums are in trouble until it’s too late. But one common characteristic of advanced gum disease is pain. Gum disease pain manifests as either a dull ache

What are the Different Types of Veneers?

What are the Best Veneers in California?

Veneers come in various types. To determine your best fit, learn the unique benefits and disadvantages of each below.  Are you tired of looking at your stained teeth? Or perhaps you chipped a tooth, and your teeth now look crooked. For a solution, look no further than dental veneers, an affordable option to restore your

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

One of the biggest misconceptions about root canals is that it takes a long time.  Perhaps the most misunderstood dental procedure is the root canal, with the main misconception being it’s extremely painful. Another myth is that a root canal is a long, drawn-out operation requiring multiple appointments.  Actually, a root canal doesn’t take that

Are Cavities Considered a Dental Emergency?

Are Cavities Considered a Dental Emergency?

Maybe you don’t think cavities are a dental emergency. Well, think again! Suppose you have a nagging toothache. It’s probably a cavity, and if you’ve had one before, you might not think it’s a big deal.  However, a dental cavity can be a dental emergency if you wait too long to treat it. Not only

The Different Types of Dental Crowns Explained

The Different Types of Dental Crowns Explained

A dental crown isn’t one-size-fits-all. You have many different types to choose from, so learn about the differences between each here. With more than 2.3 million implant-supported crowns made each year, a dental crown is the most common restorative procedure in dentistry. Dental crowns are a proven method to preserve natural teeth without resorting to

Top Six Gum Disease Symptoms

Top Six Gum Disease Symptoms

Gum disease can be easily treated if caught in its early stages. Look out for these six telltale symptoms. Did you know that nearly half of all adults over the age of 30 show signs of gum disease? Gum disease develops slowly from a buildup of bacteria and plaque on the teeth and gums. If

What is an Exposed Tooth Root?

What is an Exposed Tooth Root?

Is your tooth extremely sensitive and painful? You may have an exposed tooth root. Does your tooth hurt when you sip a hot or cold beverage? Do you feel a sharp pain when chewing sweet or acidic foods? You may have an exposed tooth root. “Wait, what is an exposed tooth root?” you might wonder.

Do I Have Canker Sores or Crohn's Disease?

Do I Have Canker Sores or Crohn’s Disease?

Canker sores and mouth ulcers caused by Crohn’s disease can look similar. But there are also significant differences. Chronic diseases can sometimes affect your mouth. One such condition is Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease of the small intestine. Crohn’s disease symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and weight loss. Those with Crohn’s disease may

Do I Have Gum Cancer or Gingivitis?

Do I Have Gum Cancer or Gingivitis?

Gum cancer and gingivitis have similar symptoms. But there is no connection between the two. Learn how to tell the difference. Your gums appear swollen, have a darkened red color, and bleed when you brush or floss. “Do I have gum cancer or gingivitis?” you may wonder.  While any change in your oral health is