Category: Dental Hygiene

Woman eating cereal, causing foamy saliva

Wait, Why is My Saliva Foamy?

Frothy, thick, or stringy saliva is a serious dental problem. But it’s easily managed if you take the right steps!  You probably don’t think too much about your saliva. You know it’s there, keeping your mouth moist, but otherwise, you probably don’t generally notice it. Yet saliva plays a vital role in your oral health.

Why Do My Gums Hurt When I Brush My Teeth?

Brushing your teeth is a vital part of good dental hygiene, but painful gums can make it harder to maintain it. Every dentist will tell you that the key to preventing dental diseases and complications is to floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day. But what if doing so causes your gums

These Six Signs Say It’s Time for Periodontal Treatment

You fight tooth decay everyday by brushing and flossing. But what about your gums? They need your care, too. You may think good dental care only involves preventing tooth decay. Although cavity prevention is vital, your gums need your attention, too! Without proper and consistent oral care, you could develop periodontitis, a serious infection of

How and Why Should I Keep My Dentures Clean?

In order to enjoy the benefits of your dentures for as long as possible, it’s important to care for them properly. All it takes are a few simple steps. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), 120 million people in the US are missing at least one tooth, and over 36 million are missing all

Understanding Potassium Nitrate in Toothpaste

Toothpaste contains many ingredients you may not be familiar with. Here’s what you need to know about one common additive — potassium nitrate. When deciding which health products to buy, it’s natural to peruse the ingredient list, and it’s easy to be confused by so many odd-sounding names. What exactly are these additives? Are they

Can I Use Expired Toothpaste?

Yes — toothpaste can expire! Not only does it become less effective once it has passed its expiration date, but it’s also not exactly pleasant to brush with. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate expiration dates for over-the-counter toothpaste. However, as the FDA considers fluoride as a drug, you’ll still be able to

Why is Salt Water Mouth Rinse Good for My Oral Health?

Gargling with salt water rinses offers many oral health benefits, from reducing inflammation to encouraging tissue regeneration. Everyone knows that brushing and flossing can help keep your gums and teeth healthy. But did you know that performing salt water rinses can also improve your overall oral health? People have been using salt to dry out

Five Possible Reasons for Your Bleeding Gums

Lots of people experience bleeding gums, whether from an underlying ailment or vigorous oral hygiene habits. Let’s dive into some common causes! It has happened to many of us — after brushing your teeth, there’s blood in your toothpaste when you spit. Or maybe you’re flossing in between your teeth, and your gums start to

Taking Care of Your Toothbrush the Right Way

Keeping your toothbrush in good condition is essential for good dental hygiene. Here’s how you can make sure your toothbrush gets the job done! Properly caring for your toothbrush is almost a no-brainer. But how exactly do you maintain your toothbrush? We hear of so many different methods — including a few common myths —