Category: Dentist

How Common is Periodontitis in Children?

How Common is Periodontitis in Children?

Gum disease is more common among children than you think. But it can be treated if caught early. Unfortunately, cavities are a rite of passage for most young children. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates more than half of children aged six to eight have had a cavity in their primary

When is it Too Late to Treat Periodontal Disease?

When is it Too Late to Treat Periodontal Disease?

It’s never too late to treat periodontal disease. In fact, gum disease will only worsen the longer you delay treatment. Nearly half of all adults in the U.S. over 30 exhibit some form of periodontal disease or periodontitis. But the percentage skyrockets to 70 percent for those 65 and older. Is it too late to

Can Cavities Go Away Without Fillings?

Can Cavities Go Away Without Fillings?

Cavities don’t always need a filling if you catch decay early. Almost everyone gets a cavity at least once during their lifetime. In fact, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, 90 percent of the population will have one tooth treated for tooth decay by age 20.  The standard treatment for cavities, or

How Long Does Root Canal Last For?

How Long Does Root Canal Last For?

Root canal treatment has a high success rate and will keep your tooth healthy for a very long time. A simple filling cures a cavity. But if the decay spreads into the tooth’s inner pulp, you’ll need a root canal. Although most people may fear a root canal, the procedure isn’t painful and can restore

What Does Dry Socket Pain Feel Like?

What Does Dry Socket Pain Feel Like?

Dry socket is a rare complication that may occur after a tooth extraction. Here’s what you need to know. Suppose you just had a tooth pulled, but the pain isn’t going away. You contact your dentist, who says you have a dry socket. What is this strange-sounding condition, and why did it happen? Following a

How Long After Tooth Extraction Can You Eat Solid Food?

How Long After Tooth Extraction Can You Eat Solid Food?

What foods you eat after a tooth extraction matters. In general, the softer the food is, the better. About 5 million wisdom teeth are removed yearly, making it one of the most frequently performed dental procedures. Yet, an extraction can be done for other reasons than pulling an impacted wisdom tooth. Severely decayed or broken

What Happens if Food Gets Stuck in My Tooth Extraction Hole?

What Happens if Food Gets Stuck in My Tooth Extraction Hole?

Food may get stuck in your tooth extraction hole when you eat. So what should you do? Wisdom tooth extraction is a straightforward and common dental procedure. In fact, one study estimates 10 million third molars or wisdom teeth are removed from roughly 5 million people each year. Yet once the tooth is pulled, you’ll

When to Stop Using Gauze After a Tooth Extraction

When to Stop Using Gauze After a Tooth Extraction

You don’t need to leave the gauze pad on for too long. But it’s important that you keep it there. Learn why. Your dentist will make every effort to save your tooth so you can avoid an extraction. Unfortunately, for severely decayed or damaged teeth, tooth extraction is the best option to improve your oral

How Long Do Cavity Fillings Last?​​

How Long Do Cavity Fillings Last?​​

Are you getting a cavity filled? Learn how long you can expect your filling to last.  Do you have cavities? If so, you’re not alone! Cavities are so common that it’s estimated one in four adults between 20 and 64 have had at least one cavity during their lifetime.  Getting a cavity filled is a

Periodontal Disease

Can I Live a Long Life with Periodontal Disease?

Treatment is the key to living a long, healthy life with periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is not life-threatening. However, because it’s a progressive disease, leaving the condition untreated means setting yourself up for serious health issues down the road. The chance of tooth loss is much higher among people with periodontal disease. And so is