Is Sleep Apnea Preventing You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep?
While losing precious sleep due to obstructive sleep apnea can affect your overall mental well-being, it also can be physically dangerous as well. There are a number of symptoms that can be linked to sleep apnea, such as daytime sleepiness, snoring, and trouble concentrating the next day. Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by weight, genetics, multiple lifestyle factors, structural issues, and much more.
Most sleep apnea cases start with seeking treatment for daytime sleepiness or restless sleep at night, and a simple test can give you the proper diagnosis. If diagnosed with a severe case of sleep apnea, you may require the use of a CPAP machine to help keep your airway open at night, but in many cases, oral devices can help as well. If you are considering an oral treatment option, our experienced staff is here to help. They can explain the various processes to you and help you determine the best option to meet your needs.
Why am I Constantly Fatigued?
Are you tired all the time and having a hard time pinpointing what could be the cause? Do you dream of a full night’s rest? Or even worse, do you think you are getting the rest you need but are still tired? You could be facing a more dangerous situation than a little fatigue and may not even know it. Knowing the signs of sleep apnea can help you better understand your sleep disturbance and allow you to seek the treatment you need before it can drastically affect your life. Contact our office immediately if you find yourself:
- Suffering from insomnia
- Having difficulty staying asleep
- Snoring
- Waking up with headaches
- Nodding off during the day
- Experiencing a constant feeling of drowsiness
- Snorting or choking during your sleep
Constantly Tired? Your Health May Be at Risk
If obstructive sleep apnea has you choking during your sleep, waking your partner with loud snoring, or waking up daily with headaches, we can help. Our dental office is experienced with sleep apnea patients and can help by recommending possible lifestyle changes, surgical options, or oral devices to help you get your health back on track and get the sleep your body desperately needs. While not all treatment options will work for everyone, our experienced staff will discuss the particulars of your condition and work with you to find the most effective treatment option.
How your dentist can Help Treat Your Obstructive Sleep Apnea
How we approach the treatment of our sleep apnea patients will depend on the factors that led to the condition as well as what options will work best for their needs. Sometimes suggestions for simple lifestyle changes are enough for patients to see significant improvements. In other cases, oral devices can be used to help alleviate snoring and reduce the soft palate collapsing by positioning the mouth differently. Surgery may be the last resort option for patients who don’t respond to traditional CPAP machines or oral devices. The good news is, no matter the severity of your condition or your specific needs, we know how to help. By working with local doctors and an FDA approved oral device, we can help patients who may be intolerant of the traditional CPAP devices.
How You Can Benefit From an Oral Appliance
Oral appliances can provide many benefits for patients who suffer from sleep apnea. Oral devices can:
- Provide for a non-surgical option
- Help patients who are CPAP intolerant
- Provide a clinically proven effective option
- Provide relief more comfortably while sleeping