Each patient’s situation is unique – some may need many porcelain veneers and some may need only a few, for example. Your first step toward cosmetic enhancement with porcelain dental veneers is to meet with Dr. Gray or Dr. Hurtado in their San Diego area office and discuss your goals for treatment. At this time, your dentist will provide you with a full consultation about the porcelain veneers procedure and determine what you can expect from treatment.
During your second office visit, your teeth will be prepared for your dental veneers. By lightly buffing the front surface of your teeth, your dentist will remove approximately one-half-millimeter layer of enamel from the front of your teeth. The wafer-thin porcelain veneers will eventually be set in place of this enamel. A mold is then taken of your teeth. From this mold, each tooth veneer will be custom made to fit the tooth and complement your smile.
The porcelain veneers are then placed on your teeth in your third, and final, office visit. At this time, Dr. Gray will be able to precisely match the color of your dental veneers to your surrounding teeth. After the fit and color of your dental veneers are ensured to be to your liking, the adhesive is hardened using a special light. You then have a bright, long-lasing smile with your new porcelain veneers.