Category: Dental Hygiene

I Just Got a Filling. What Now?

Getting a filling is one thing, but what happens when you leave the dental office? Get tips on keeping your mouth healthy beyond the dentist’s chair. We all know that maintaining oral health is important, but despite that, very few people escape needing tooth fillings at some point in their lives — particularly in childhood.

Dental Tape vs Dental Floss

When it comes to flossing, you have options. Dental floss and dental tape are effective tools for cleaning between your teeth — as long as you know how to use them correctly. You’ve probably been hearing that you should floss each day since you were a child. From your parents to your dentists, everyone seems to

How to Check for Gingivitis at Home

Nearly half of all adults in the U.S. suffer from periodontal disease. Checking for gingivitis at home can help catch and prevent it from progressing into periodontitis. According to the CDC, nearly half of all adults in the U.S. suffer from periodontal disease. Gingivitis, a mild and common form of gum disease, commonly results from

Why Do My Teeth Feel Itchy?

Are your teeth itchy? Anything from tooth damage to fungal pathogens might be responsible. Learn more about the common culprits behind itchy teeth and the home remedies to resolve them. If you’ve recently been bitten by a bug, the area around the bite probably itches. If you have dandruff or head lice, your scalp may

Break These 7 Bad Habits and Improve Your Dental Health

Break These 7 Bad Habits and Improve Your Dental Health

These seven bad habits can promote plaque, injure your teeth, and worsen your dental hygiene. Break them today to improve your dental health. You know there are ways to actively improve your dental health, but ever think about how you could worsen it accidentally? Unfortunately, there are many everyday activities that could seriously damage your

Why Do My Teeth Tingle?

Pain isn’t the only sign that something is wrong with your teeth. A tingling sensation is also a cause for concern. When you have severe tooth pain, you immediately dial up your dentist. But what if you don’t have a toothache, but rather just a tingling sensation in your mouth? Like a toothache, that tingle

What Are Tooth Piercings and Are They Safe?

Today, piercings are a popular form of self-expression. But tooth piercings — like all forms of piercings — are accompanied by potential complications and risks. For thousands of years, people have been getting body modifications. Historically, body piercings have been associated with rituals, beauty, and wealth. Today, they are a popular form of self-expression, and

Does Charcoal Toothpaste Really Whiten Teeth?

Charcoal toothpaste is a popular option for people looking to whiten their teeth. But does it really work? Many people swear by charcoal as a natural wellness product. In the past few years, it has gained popularity in the oral health industry and is touted for its ability to whiten teeth and freshen breath. Model

5 Tips to Keep Your Teeth Whiter For Longer

You’ve finally had professional teeth whitening done. You love your smile and can’t believe how beautiful your teeth look. But have you noticed the effects of teeth whitening can fade over time? You’ll notice that stains can start to come back and the yellow shades you were desperate to get rid of are returning. The

5 Tips for Better Dental Hygiene

The Importance of Proper Dental Hygiene Studies prove that, whether you are on a job interview, a first date, seeing an old acquaintance or meeting a new one, your smile makes the biggest and most impactful impression. Because teeth are one of our most important physical attributes and cannot be hidden, our teeth must be