Category: Family Dentist

When is it Time to Get a Dental Crown?

When is it Time to Get a Dental Crown?

Learn why you may need a dental crown and what you can expect.  According to the American College of Prosthodontists, single crown placement is the most frequently performed restorative procedure in dentistry. A dental crown is the preferred method to save your natural tooth rather than extracting it. Let’s look at why you may need

What are the Different Types of Dentures?

What are the Different Types of Dentures?

There are several ways to replace your missing teeth, and with dentures, there are numerous types to choose from — each made from different materials and serving unique purposes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one in five adults aged 65 or older have lost all their teeth. Living without teeth can severely

Are You a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Are You a Good Candidate for Dentures?

While most people are perfect candidates for dentures, there are some exceptions.  According to U.S. Census Bureau data and a 2020 Simmons National Consumer Survey, 40.99 million Americans wear dentures. Dentures allow you to speak and chew normally, but more importantly, they can give you your smile back.  However, not everyone is a perfect candidate

Can Root Canal Infections Spread?

Can Root Canal Infections Spread?

Treat that infection in a root canal immediately! Otherwise, the infection can spread and cause additional problems. Among the many reasons to undergo a root canal is to stop the spread of infection. Bacteria that reaches the pulp, or the innermost part of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels lie, can cause the

Can I Safely Whiten Teeth When Pregnant?

Can I Safely Whiten Teeth When Pregnant?

Are you thinking about having your teeth whitened while you’re pregnant? Doctors recommend that you wait.  The nine months of pregnancy are filled with planning for the arrival of the little one. And there is so much to do! Between prenatal doctor visits and getting the baby’s room ready, your to-do list is already so

Does it Hurt to Get a Cavity Filled?

Does it Hurt to Get a Cavity Filled?

Don’t delay getting a cavity filled because you’re scared of possible pain. The procedure will actually save you from future complications — and more pain. Suppose your dentist says you need a cavity filled. Your first reaction is, how much is it going to hurt? Getting a cavity filled may hurt a bit, but not

How Long Does It Take to Fill a Cavity?

How Long Does It Take to Fill a Cavity?

Don’t think you have the time to get a cavity filled? Guess what — it doesn’t take that long, and it’s worth your time in the long run. Do you have a toothache that won’t go away? It might be a cavity! If you’re thinking that filling a cavity is time-consuming, you can stop worrying.

What Causes Underbite in Children?

What Causes Underbite in Children?

Several factors can cause children to develop underbites. Fortunately, your Espire dentist can treat the condition. Roughly 90 percent of children display some form of malocclusion, or a misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. One type of malocclusion is an underbite, also called a Class III malocclusion or prognathism. In this orthodontic condition, the

Can I Whiten My Dentures?

Keep your dentures pearly white with these tried-and-true tips. Dentures provide an effective solution to restore a complete set of functioning teeth. In fact, the American Dental Association estimates of the 36 million Americans who have lost all their teeth, 90 percent wear dentures. Even if you’re missing only one or two teeth, dentures can

What are Some Common Dental Bridge Problems?

Dental bridges are secure and durable. But, sometimes, problems can arise, and you should know how to recognize and address these issues. Dental bridges solve one of the most common dental problems — missing teeth that may result from decay, gum disease, or trauma. A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth with a prosthetic one.