Category: Gum Therapy

How Do Swollen Gums with Braces Impact Your Oral Health?

How Do Swollen Gums with Braces Impact Your Oral Health?

Braces offer many benefits. But they can also cause some gum pain. Learn what this means for your oral health. Braces do many great things for your oral health, such as alleviating the pain of crooked teeth to give you a straighter smile. But they also can come with an unwelcome side effect — sore,

Why Are My Braces Causing Swollen Gums?

If you’ve recently gotten braces, it’s probably too soon to see any significant changes in your jaw’s alignment. However, you may have noticed that your braces are already causing swollen gums. If you have crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw, your dentist might suggest getting braces from an orthodontist. Though these wire-based dental appliances are

Flossing: Why Does It Hurt?

Do you avoid flossing because it’s painful? Here’s why you shouldn’t. Dental flossing is up there with “eat your vegetables” — something we know we should do but often don’t. Yet flossing is a vital component of maintaining good oral health, and skipping it can lead to serious dental problems, like gum disease. Perhaps you