How to Protect the Oral Health of Your Family

Author: nmaartens Posted: March 13th, 2019 Category:

Everyone knows the importance of dental health and the detrimental effects of not properly maintaining your teeth. But one common issue that parents have to face on a regular basis is to have their children follow the recommended procedures for oral health. After all, it’s hard enough to get your child to brush their teeth, but when you throw flossing into the mix, the level of difficulty goes up drastically.

As stressful as maintaining these practices can be, you as a parent would be aware just how important they are to make sure your child doesn’t face painful dental issues.

To help make your job easier, here are a few tips to help ensure that not only the adults in your family are following best dental health practices, but that your children are doing the same.

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Encourage Positive Thoughts About Dental Health

Make sure to speak to your child about the positive aspects of dental health. Tell them how maintaining their dental health helps them fight germs and bad bacteria and how this makes sure that they stay healthy and strong.

Remind Them to Brush and Floss Their Teeth, But Do It Gently

Children are selectively forgetful, especially about things that seem tedious. Similar to how you softly remind them about their homework, ensure that you put in gentle reminders about their dental health practices as well.

Make Them a Part of the Process

Make sure to take your child shopping with you for dental supplies. Let them choose between options for colorful toothbrushes and toothpaste flavors that are made for children and which are also recommended by a children dentist.

How to Get Your Child to Speak Up About Cavities

One out of every four children has a dental cavity. This means that even after taking ample steps regarding dental health, your child can still face dental issues.

It is important to let your child know beforehand how to tell you if they face a serious symptom such as a toothache. Explain to them that like a tummy ache, it can be fixed with the help of a doctor, and they don’t need to worry but just to tell you when it happens.

This would help your child open up to you when they do face such a problem. As a result, you would be able to get them to your family dentist in a timely manner.

When Should I Visit Smile Solutions?

Dental health practices start with your baby’s very first tooth, when it’s you who is brushing that single little pearl after every feeding. It is recommended that you visit the dentist as soon as your baby’s first tooth emerges. This means that your child should have their first dentist visit within one to two years of age.

Apart from that, you should take your little one to a children’s dentist as soon as they start making sense of things. This helps them get familiarized with the process and ambiance of a dentist’s office, which prevents the development of fear of dentists.

At Smile Solutions, we are dedicated to providing personalized care to patients of all ages. With our highly experienced staff and our focus on understanding each patient’s needs, we would not only comprehend your child’s needs but also cater to them in an optimal way.

Whether you are looking for a dentist in Norman, Oklahoma for your child’s first dental visit or need an opinion on a potential dental cavity, don’t hesitate to contact Smile Solutions today.