Teeth Cleaning Explained

Author: Espire Dental Posted: March 5th, 2017 Category:

While it is essential to regularly brush and floss your teeth, keeping them clean and free from cavities requires the keen eye of a dentist or hygienist. Since you only have one set of adult teeth, ignoring dental issues can lead to serious dental problems. In fact, keeping your teeth and gums healthy can protect you from cavities, gingivitis and gum diseases that may lead to worse consequences, such as losing teeth.

Treat Your Teeth to a Shine

When you go to your dentist’s office for a routine teeth cleaning, which is recommended every six months, the dentist or dental hygienist will begin by removing excess plaque buildup on your teeth that regular brushing and flossing have missed. These areas are typically found between your teeth, below your gum line and in the deep grooves of your molars. A general teeth-cleaning routine involves:

  • Employing an ultrasonic device to loosen larger pieces of tartar and wash away particles of food.
  • Using special hand instruments called curettes and scalers to gently eliminate plaque, the sticky, soft bacterial film, and tartar, or calculus, from your teeth. These instruments are also used to smooth each tooth’s surface. When your teeth are professionally cleaned in this manner, it is actually much harder for bacteria to bond to them.
  • Polishing all your teeth with the use of another special hand tool and prophylaxis paste similar to toothpaste. This spinning tool carefully treats each tooth until they all sparkle and shine.

Make Those Choppers Strong

You may also receive a fluoride treatment as part of your teeth cleaning. This will strengthen your teeth’s natural enamel by actually helping lost enamel grow back.

For high-quality teeth cleanings you can trust, give Smile Solutions a call.