
Will a Gum Veneer Help Your Receding Gums?

Will a Gum Veneer Help Your Receding Gums?

Don’t like seeing that gap between your teeth and your gums? A gum veneer can fix your receding gums.

Gum recession is a common dental problem among older adults. The Cleveland Clinic estimates 88 percent of people over 65 have receding gums. But seeing a gap between the top of your teeth and your gums can spoil your smile at any age. If not treated, it can also lead to tooth decay, tooth loss, and bone erosion. 

Although your gums will not grow back, you can improve your smile and prevent more gum recession with a gum veneer. Like a veneer applied to your natural tooth, a gum veneer covers any imperfections in your gum line. Keep reading to learn how a gum veneer can help repair your receding gums and restore your beautiful smile.

Why do receding gums happen?

Usually, your gums cover the roots of your teeth, protecting them from decay and unpleasant sensations from hot and cold temperatures. Yet the gums may pull away from the roots due to advanced gum disease, poor oral hygiene, harsh brushing, tobacco use, and teeth grinding. Some people have a genetic predisposition to gum recession, as well. Crooked teeth can also affect the gums and cause gums to recede.

The recession creates a periodontal “pocket” between a tooth and the gum line. In healthy gums, the gap measures between one and three millimeters. With gingivitis, the beginning stage of periodontal disease, the pocket increases to four millimeters. The pocket widens to five millimeters or more when gum disease reaches the later stages.

Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold, as well as sweets, is typically associated with gum recession. You may also experience pain around the gum line, especially when brushing.

Don’t like the gap? Get a gum veneer

Depending upon the severity of your gum recession, your dentist will recommend the best treatment. In more severe cases, root scaling and planing can remove harmful bacteria and plaque around the roots. Gum grafting surgery is another option. During that procedure, tissue from the roof of the mouth is used to fill in the periodontal pocket.

But one non-surgical alternative is a gum veneer, or gingival veneer. There are two types of gum veneers:

Removable veneers. This is the more commonly used type. Made of acrylic, composite resin, or porcelain material, removable veneers fit over your gums like dentures. And like dentures, the removable veneers must be cleaned daily and stored in water nightly to maintain their shape. It’s also advisable to clean the removable veneers after each meal.

Fixed veneers. Your dentist will take an impression of the area around the tooth to be covered. Before the permanent veneer is placed, your dentist will apply a temporary veneer to ensure a good fit when the fixed veneer is attached. The fixed veneer will match the color of your natural teeth, so it won’t be noticeable. 

While veneers are strong, they are not indestructible. Be careful chewing on hard objects. Veneers can also be stained, so avoid dark-colored foods like wine, cola, and berries. 

Continue to practice good oral hygiene whether you have a fixed or removable gum veneer. Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush, floss daily, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash. Keep up with those twice-year dental cleanings. And if you smoke, stop now!

These habits are the best way to prevent gum recession and periodontal disease. While gum veneers can fix receding gums, your best bet is always to keep your gums healthy!

Caring for your teeth and gums

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Norman, Oklahoma, location today! Our highly trained dentists can check your teeth and gums and repair any decay and gum recession. Don’t live near our Norman, OK, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

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550 24th Ave. S.W.
Norman, OK 73069