Root Canals

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Root Canals

Root canals are more common than you might think, and they’re less daunting than their reputation suggests. In fact, most root canals are routine dental operations. They increase the longevity of your teeth as you age, and they prevent more serious dental issues in the future.

What is a root canal?

Below the hard enamel and dentine of your tooth is a mass of tissue called pulp, which surrounds the nerves at the center of your tooth. Pulp is sensitive to bacteria. If it becomes exposed to potential infectants — for example, if you have a crack or chip in your tooth — pulp can become infected. An untreated root canal infection can lead to pain, dental decay, and even tooth loss.

Root canal therapy is the process of removing the infected pulp from the center of your tooth. It is a non-surgical procedure that requires your dentist to make a small opening to remove the rotten tissue. The center of your tooth is then filled with a root canal filling.

How do I know if I need one?

The common symptoms of a root canal infection include sensitivity and pain around the infected tooth. Often, an infected tooth is highly sensitive to pressure and temperature, and your gums around the tooth might swell.

Not everyone who has a root canal infection experiences these symptoms. You may have an asymptomatic root canal infection, and you might not know it’s there until you begin to experience more serious signs of decay. Because of this, adults are encouraged to visit the dentist regularly and stay up-to-date on their dental x-rays.

brunette woman reading a book and holding her jaw in pain
female dental assistant comforting female patient

Does a root canal hurt?

Root canals are known to be painful, but it’s almost always the infection that causes pain, not the operation. Even though your tooth may be painful before and immediately after the surgery due to the infected tissue around your dental nerves, the root canal procedure itself adds very little pain to the process — it actually reduces your pain in the long run.

Root canals are non-surgical and typically, dentists use local anaesthesia to numb the site. Even if your infection is particularly painful, take hope — the vast majority of root canal fillings last a lifetime.

Root canals with Espire

A root canal might not be on the top of your to-do list, especially if you are not experiencing symptoms. In the long run however, your smile will thank you for taking action before your infection turns into tooth decay.

With locations across the Denver metro, our qualified dentists at Espire offer trustworthy root canal procedures in a friendly environment. To ensure your smile remains healthy and pain-free, visit Espire today.