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General Dentistry in Norman: When You Should See a Dentist

Your teeth are some of the most important parts of your body- not only do they directly affect the way you eat, but they are also one of the first things people notice about you. Making your dental health a priority is essential for maintaining the appearance and functionality of your teeth for health benefits

Norman Dentist Explains New Patient Expectations

If you are new in town and are about to have your first visit as a patient at a dental practice, or if it’s been awhile since you have visited a dentist’s office at all, you may be a bit nervous about your upcoming appointment. After all, when it comes to dental care, it’s important

Guided Implant Dentistry in Norman

For those who are in need of a replacement tooth to fill in the gaps and complete their smile, the future is here! Guided implant dentistry has arrived in Norman, OK, courtesy of Dr. Jim D. Spurgeon and the rest of the team at Smile Solutions. This high-tech solution for dental implants can make all

Oral Cancer Screening Explained

Oral cancer includes cancers of the lips, tongue, palate, teeth, cheeks and gums. Some medical researchers also include cancer of the tonsils and upper part of the pharynx in the category of oral cancers. Altogether, these cancers account for 2.9 percent of all cancer diagnoses in the USA. An oral cancer screening offers the chance

Teeth Cleaning Explained

While it is essential to regularly brush and floss your teeth, keeping them clean and free from cavities requires the keen eye of a dentist or hygienist. Since you only have one set of adult teeth, ignoring dental issues can lead to serious dental problems. In fact, keeping your teeth and gums healthy can protect

Teeth Cleaning

Even if you brush your teeth two or three times a day as recommended by your dentist, you also need to go to a dentist every six months for a routine cleaning. These appointments are so important because your dentist will also examine your teeth to see if there are any cavities and make sure

General Dentistry

General dentistry includes all of the routine care that you need in order to maintain healthy and good-looking teeth, gums, and jaws. Your general dentist offers preventive care, diagnoses dental conditions, and treats conditions that affect your oral health. Dental Exams A dental exam is performed in order to check the condition of your teeth,

Dental Implants: What to Expect

Even though your dentist has told you all the benefits of replacing a missing tooth with dental implants, you might still be nervous if you’re having the procedure done. Oral surgery can be intimidating, but if you know what to expect throughout the process it may help calm your nerves. The procedure involves placing a

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right for You?

You might not have believed it was a realistic goal, but a beautiful smile is possible through cosmetic dentistry. At first thought to be a luxury only for the rich or famous, it has become a mainstream option through cosmetic dentists all over the country. There is an array of procedures and treatments available to