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What's a Normal Tooth Extraction Healing Time?

What’s a Normal Tooth Extraction Healing Time?

Are you feeling nervous about getting a tooth pulled? There’s no need! With these tips, you’ll heal in no time. No one wants to get a tooth extracted, but sometimes it must be done. If a tooth is so severely decayed that it cannot be saved by a filling, crown, or root canal, it must

How is Debridement Different From Other Cleanings?

How is Debridement Different From Other Cleanings?

Sometimes you may need more than standard dental cleaning. That’s where a full mouth debridement comes in. Suppose you went to the dentist and were told you needed a full mouth debridement instead of a regular cleaning. Naturally, you may wonder, “What is a debridement, and why do I need it?” A full mouth debridement

Should I Take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen After Tooth Extraction?

Should I Take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen After Tooth Extraction?

You don’t need a prescription to reduce pain after tooth extraction. Everything you need can be found in your home or local drugstore.  Ouch! You just had a tooth pulled. Although you understand the tooth needed to be extracted because of severe decay or breakage, you’re in pain right now and want it to stop.

cracked molar

What Should I Do if I Have a Cracked Molar?

Molars rarely crack. But when they do, you need immediate treatment. By adulthood, you’ll have 32 teeth. All are important, but the hardest working teeth in your mouth are your molars. With their large, jagged surfaces, the molars in the back and sides of your mouth are used primarily for chewing and breaking down food

What To Do if You've Lost a Dental Crown

What To Do if You’ve Lost a Dental Crown

Crowns last a very long time. But if you lose one, it’s not the end of the world. Dental crowns restore a severely damaged or decayed tooth. With a crown, you can chew normally with a fully functional tooth. But while crowns are made of strong, durable material, they sometimes can fall out for various

dental filling

What To Do if You’ve Lost a Dental Filling

Dental fillings are durable, but they can still sometimes fall out. Here’s what to do if you need a new filling. Suppose you’re at work or eating dinner. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your mouth, or a tooth suddenly feels extremely sensitive. Or maybe you don’t experience any pain but realize something is

How Do Swollen Gums with Braces Impact Your Oral Health?

How Do Swollen Gums with Braces Impact Your Oral Health?

Braces offer many benefits. But they can also cause some gum pain. Learn what this means for your oral health. Braces do many great things for your oral health, such as alleviating the pain of crooked teeth to give you a straighter smile. But they also can come with an unwelcome side effect — sore,

How Does Mouth Spray Help With Dry Mouth?

How Does Mouth Spray Help With Dry Mouth?

A mouth spray provides quick relief from dry mouth symptoms. But is it a permanent solution? Saliva plays an essential role in your oral health. Saliva whisks away decay-causing bacteria and keeps your mouth moisturized. But when your saliva glands don’t produce enough liquid, your mouth feels dry and painful, making it difficult to speak

Root Canal Vs. Extraction: Which Is Right For Me?

Root Canal vs. Extraction: Which Is Right For Me?

To treat a severely decayed or damaged tooth, you’ll need either a root canal or an extraction. But which one is the right choice for you? You should never ignore a throbbing, persistent toothache. It indicates a tooth so severely decayed or damaged it requires extensive therapy beyond a cavity filling. But what does that

How Long Does Tooth Bonding Last?

How Long Does Tooth Bonding Last?

Dental bonding can last up to 10 years. But that depends on how you take care of your bonded teeth. Tooth bonding is a quick, affordable method to fix chipped, discolored, and misaligned teeth. You can improve your smile in one office visit without needing more complex dental interventions, such as crowns. But once you