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How Pregnancy Affects Your Oral Health

PREGNANCY AFFECTS NEARLY every aspect of your life–your lifestyle, your diet, your health, and much more! Your mouth is no exception to the changes your body may experience during pregnancy. During this special time, you’ll need to pay particular attention to your oral health for both your sake and your growing baby’s.  Our practice has a

Wacky Toothpaste Flavors

Toothpaste…how interesting can it get? Well, gone are the days of plain spearmint, mint, or peppermint. Back in the day, toothpaste flavors (or dental cream, as it was once called by Colgate), were not meant to be exotic or interesting. Tastes and fashions have changed, and the 2000s are all about trying new things, even

Camping & Oral Health

Going camping? Don’t forget about your oral health! Summer is just around the corner and there is nothing more beautiful than a summer in Colorado. When you’re gathering your supplies and putting together your toiletry kit, remember to bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss! Floss is a commonly forgotten item but it’s so small, you

The Link Between Smiling and Attraction

It’s the glimmer between strangers meeting eyes across the room. It’s the sparkle that lights up  a photograph. It can whisper sweet nothings. It can shout with enthusiasm. It can unite people in moments of warmth and magic. It’s a smile, and it’s the universal communicator of joy and connection. But if your smile is

Afraid To Sneeze Because of Your Dentures?

If you wear dentures, you may be one of many people who deal with discomfort, wobbling and fear sneezing on a daily basis. A Madrid news article reports that a motorcyclist brought traffic to a standstill on one of Madrid’s busiest highways after he pulled over to look for his false teeth, which flew out of his

kor whitening

Kor Whitening Gets to the Core Surface Stains in Colorado Springs

A bright, confident smile is one of the easiest ways to look younger and more attractive. Kor Whitening is one of the most popular whitening systems at Espire Dental in Colorado Springs. The Kor Whitening system offers a number of great advantages. Kor Whitening is a deep bleaching system, so it whitens teeth permanently. In

Celebrities with the Whitest Teeth

From NewBeauty.com… It’s the first thing people notice on your face. It has the ability to age you up to 10 years if it is not taken care of. And it shows the world that you’re happy. It’s your smile. The brighter and whiter your smile is, the healthier and younger you look. When you think

Teeth Whitening for the New Year

Get that smile as brilliant as the Christmas lights!  Aesthetic Dentistry by Design offers We also have a Deep Bleaching™ system to remove stubborn stains from teeth quickly, comfortably, and for the long term.  Learn more.

music in dentist chair

Do You Like Listening to Music while in the Dentist Chair?

Espire Dental in Colorado Springs welcomes you to bring your favorite music to your dental appointment.  We’ve also got cozy pillows, down lap throws, Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, DVD movie library, music videos, Bose noise cancelling headsets, complimentary paraffin hand treatments with aromatherapy mitts and heated aromatherapy foot warmers.  We will change forever your perception of

Kirsten Dunst’s Smile Makeover: From Crooked to Confident

Vocal in the past about being a fan of her crooked teeth, Kirsten Dunst has made a dramatic dental change—now her once-crooked smile is sexy and sophisticated—taking her from the “girl next door” to a more elegant-looking actress. A smile makeover using porcelain veneers can correct many aesthetic dental problems, including: stains or discoloration, chips