Category: Dental Implants

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Traditional dental implants aren’t your only choice to replace missing teeth. Mini dental implants are another option. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, some 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. For decades, bulky dentures and bridges were the only options to replace missing teeth. But modern dentistry has moved beyond those

Do I Need Denture Adhesive?

Do I Need Denture Adhesive?

Do you want a more secure fit with your dentures? Try a denture adhesive. Getting your full or partial dentures is a significant step in improving your dental health. You can speak and chew with confidence with a new set of teeth! Ideally, your new dentures should fit securely without a denture adhesive. Yet, many denture wearers

What are Flipper Dentures?

What are Flipper Dentures?

Are you missing a front tooth or some teeth? Your dentist can save the day by filling the gap with temporary flipper dentures! Losing any tooth to injury or decay can be an unsettling, painful experience. But seeing a missing gap in your front teeth can be particularly traumatic. You may become self-conscious about your

Here's What You Need To Know About Dental Implant Recovery

Here’s What You Need To Know About Dental Implant Recovery

Ease your worries by learning what to expect following your dental implant surgery. Compared to dentures, dental implants offer a more permanent solution to missing teeth. Yet the dental implant process involves major oral surgery. Your dental implant recovery will take months from the initial surgery to the placement of the crown. But in the

What's the Difference Between Veneers and Crowns?

What’s the Difference Between Veneers and Crowns?

Veneers and crowns are both popular solutions for a variety of dental problems. But which one is right for you? You’ve finally decided to fix a chipped tooth that’s been bothering you for months. Great! Now the question is: Should you get veneers or a dental crown? Both are restorative dental procedures that brighten your

What's the Difference Between Veneers and Dental Implants?

What’s the Difference Between Veneers and Dental Implants?

Veneers and dental implants are both excellent restorative options. But which one is right for you? Not too long ago, the only alternatives to replace missing or severely damaged teeth were bulky dentures or bridges. Yet, for all their advantages, dentures can be uncomfortable and sometimes even dislodge from the gums. Thankfully, you have a

What's the Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures?

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures?

Are you missing some teeth? No need to worry! You can fix your smile with either dentures or implants.  Don’t underestimate the effects of missing teeth! When there’s a vacant space between teeth, your remaining teeth may shift out of alignment to fill the gap, leading to chewing problems or a misshapen jaw. Left unprotected

Six New Dental Technologies To Know About

Espire Dental is on the forefront of dental technology to diagnose and treat all your oral health care needs. At Espire Dental, we strive to provide our patients with knowledgeable and compassionate oral care. Part of our mission is using state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat dental problems with precision and less discomfort. We understand

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Both dentures and dental implants can replace missing teeth to improve your smile. But which one is right for you? Are you reluctant to smile for fear of exposing missing teeth? Living with missing or damaged teeth is not just a cosmetic concern. Not having all your teeth in place can make it difficult to

Ceramic vs. Titanium Dental Implants: Which One Do I Choose?

If you’re getting a dental implant, you may have to choose between a ceramic or titanium implant. Learn the similarities and differences between them so you can find the right fit. When you lose a tooth, dental implants come to the rescue by providing a nearly perfect replica of the natural tooth. Today, titanium and