Category: Dental Implants

How to Replace a Missing Tooth

The most common way to replace a missing tooth is with a dental implant, but patients also have a variety of other options to consider.  There are a lot of ways you can lose a tooth — such as injuries, severe tooth decay, or genetic factors that lead to tooth loss. Fortunately, there are also

brunette woman reading a book and holding her jaw in pain

How to Identify and Treat a Cracked Tooth

What are the symptoms of a cracked tooth? How do you treat it? Here’s everything you need to know. The coronavirus pandemic has changed every aspect of daily life, including our oral health. Many Americans are baking to pass the time — others may forget to floss because, understandably, it’s the last thing on their

How Full and Partial Dentures Work

Have you been told you need dentures? Here are your options to restore your smile and make you feel more confident. Dealing with missing and painful teeth may lead you to be less self confident in social situations — but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re missing teeth due to decay or

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

A dental implant offers a strong, natural-looking replacement for a lost tooth. Find out if you’re a good candidate for this safe and effective procedure. Tooth loss affects millions of Americans, whether it’s due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, or traumatic injury. Regardless of the cause, a dental implant can serve as a replacement for

cerec same day crowns

5 Benefits of CEREC Same Day Crowns

CEREC stands for chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics, but what it means for patients is a flawlessly repaired smile in just one appointment. If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, you can save time with CEREC one-visit dental crowns from a skilled dentist. These high quality restorations recreate the lost natural dental structures and leave