How Old is Too Old to Get Veneers in Wyoming?

How Old is Too Old to Get Veneers in Wyoming?
Author: Espire Dental Posted: August 15th, 2023 Category:

People weigh various factors when deciding whether or not to get veneers. But age shouldn’t be one of those considerations.

Are you onsidering getting dental veneers but think you may be too old? You can stop hesitating because there is no age limit for veneers! You can get veneers at any age to brighten and even out a less-than-perfect smile.

Naturally, as with any dental procedure, you should weigh several factors before deciding if veneers suit you. Let’s dive into what veneers are and what benefits they offer at any age.

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin shells made of either porcelain or composite resin that fit over your natural tooth. According to the American Dental Association, veneers can correct several dental imperfections, such as:

  • Severe discoloration that cannot be reversed with whitening.
  • Oddly shaped teeth.
  • Crooked or chipped teeth.
  • Gaps between teeth.

Veneers are used primarily for cosmetic purposes and are often placed on the front teeth. If a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, you will need a restorative procedure, such as a crown or implant. 

To place a porcelain veneer, your dentist shaves off a thin layer of your enamel. After making an impression of your mouth, your dentist sends it to a dental lab where your permanent veneers will be made. You’ll wear temporary veneers before the permanent ones are cemented to your tooth.

For composite resin veneers, the surface of your tooth is slightly etched so the material can securely adhere to it. The composite resin is then applied to the tooth and hardened with a special light.

How old is too old for veneers?

You’re never too old to get veneers! Permanent teeth erupt by the early teens, so getting veneers by the late teens is the earliest recommended age for the procedure. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get veneers later in life. It all depends on some considerations. Ask yourself these questions:

What is your overall dental health? Those with severe tooth decay, gum disease, crowded teeth, or an overbite or underbite must address those issues before getting veneers. Veneers are a cosmetic option. As such, they cannot restore badly damaged teeth or correct alignment.

What is the lifespan of veneers? Veneers offer a typical lifespan of 10 to 20 years. If you get veneers at a very young age, you may have to replace them later in life.

What’s the cost? As a cosmetic solution, veneers are not covered by insurance, so you will pay out of pocket for them. Yet the investment may be worth it for a beautiful smile. Your dentist can work out a payment plan with you.

How well will the veneers match your natural teeth? Your dentist can closely match the color of the veneers to your teeth, but you may need to whiten your untreated teeth, as well, to match the color entirely.

What are your dental hygiene practices? Veneer-treated teeth can still get cavities. Even with veneers, you must brush and floss daily to prevent decay. 

But the one consideration you can ignore is your age. Veneers are a safe, smart choice for giving you a great smile, regardless of age.

Your veneer specialists in Wyoming

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Cheyenne, WY, location today! Our highly trained dentists can restore your smile with veneers. Don’t live near our Cheyenne, WY, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Cheyenne, WY
7112 Commons Circle
Cheyenne, WY 82009