How Can I Treat Dry Mouth During Pregnancy in Wyoming?

How Can I Treat Dry Mouth During Pregnancy in Wyoming?
Author: Espire Dental Posted: March 15th, 2023 Category:

One common side effect of pregnancy is dry mouth. But the dentists at Espire Dental in Wyoming can treat your condition.

Pregnancy can cause the body to go through many changes. All are temporary and will resolve after the birth of your child. However, one side effect of pregnancy that could have a lasting impact on oral health if not treated is dry mouth.

A common symptom of pregnancy, dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs when your salivary glands fail to produce enough saliva to coat your mouth. Your mouth needs saliva to remove the food particles and bacteria that often lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Without enough saliva, your mouth feels parched, and you may have trouble swallowing. Food won’t taste as good, and you may notice bad breath. Fortunately, the unpleasant symptoms of dry mouth during pregnancy are treatable!

Why does dry mouth develop during pregnancy?

Dry mouth is often a side effect of certain medications, cancer treatments, and autoimmune disorders. 

But pregnant women also experience dry mouth due to the hormonal changes their bodies undergo during pregnancy. Those changes deplete your mouth of saliva, leaving it feeling dry and cottony. Further, your body requires extra water to help the fetus grow. If you’re not drinking enough water for yourself and your baby, you may get dehydrated, draining your mouth of much-needed fluids.

Some women experience gestational diabetes, which can lead to dry mouth. If you’re experiencing dry mouth, excessive thirst, and fatigue, get tested for the condition so it can be managed during your pregnancy. 

Six ways to treat dry mouth during pregnancy

Dry mouth during pregnancy may initially seem like a minor nuisance, but it could severely damage your teeth and gums if you leave it untreated. Dry mouth increases the risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, and infection. To relieve the symptoms and keep your mouth healthy, try these six home remedies:

Stay hydrated. Always have a water bottle ready to sip during the day to keep your mouth moist. Avoid dehydrating liquids such as coffee. 

Enjoy sugar-free gum and hard candies. Chewing gum and sucking on hard candies can stimulate saliva flow. Choose gum and sweets that are sugar-free and have cavity-preventing xylitol.

Suck on an ice cube. Another option to moisten your mouth is sucking on an ice cube. Ice cubes can also help alleviate feelings of nausea.

Turn on a humidifier. A humidifier can add moisture to the air in your home. Turn it on when you sleep at night.

Try over-the-counter saliva substitutes. Choose one containing xylitol. But always check with your doctor before doing so.

Practice good oral hygiene. Reduce decay-causing bacteria and plaque in your mouth by brushing and flossing daily. While teeth cleanings are not recommended during the first and third trimesters, you can do a cleaning during the second trimester.

When to see your dentist

If at-home remedies provide no relief and the symptoms worsen, visit your dentist for further treatment. Due to the lack of saliva, you may develop an infection known as thrust. Termed candida albicans, the infection produces small, white lesions in the mouth. Your mouth may also feel sore from the infection.

Also, contact your dentist if you have severe toothache or sensitivity. Don’t delay treating tooth decay just because you’re pregnant! Your dentist can work out a pregnancy-friendly treatment plan with you.

In addition, be mindful of other pregnancy-related oral problems, such as pregnancy gingivitis, the beginning stage of gum disease. Expectant mothers may also develop so-called “pregnancy tumors,” or small, non-cancerous growths on the gum tissue.

Although pregnancy can be a busy time, don’t forget to care for your teeth. With the help of your dentist, you can enjoy a happy, healthy pregnancy. 

Espire Dental is now in Casper, Wyoming

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Casper, Wyoming, location today! Our highly trained dentists will care for your teeth during your pregnancy, so you don’t have to suffer the effects of dry mouth. Don’t live near our Casper, Wyoming, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Casper, Wyoming
1530 Centennial Ct. Suite A 
Casper, WY 82609