New Treatments for Periodontitis in Wyoming

New Treatments for Periodontitis in Wyoming
Author: Espire Dental Posted: December 5th, 2023 Category:

Periodontitis is a severe progressive oral health issue. But it can be successfully treated with these proven therapies. Talk to your Espire dentist in Wyoming.

Periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease, affects nearly 50 percent of adults aged 30 or older. The percentage rises to 70.1 percent in the 65 and older population. Although periodontitis is a severe and progressive oral health issue, it can be managed and possibly even cured with proper treatment, depending on the stage. 

However, successful treatment hinges on knowing the early signs of gum disease and getting to your dentist for therapy. Read on to learn about those signs and the proven treatment options your dentist can deploy to get your gums healthy once again.

A guide to periodontitis and its symptoms

Plaque and bacteria don’t only cause tooth decay. They also attach to your gums, leading to a deep infection that weakens the gums and bones around your teeth. Failing to brush and floss daily is the top cause of gum disease, but smoking, heredity, and chronic health conditions such as diabetes and dry mouth can also raise the risk of periodontitis.

Periodontitis starts as gingivitis, the mildest form of the disease. At that stage, your gums may be tender and swollen, and you may notice minor bleeding when you brush and floss. 

As gum disease progresses to periodontitis, symptoms become more severe, such as persistent bad breath, pain when chewing, gaps between teeth and gums, and pus on the gums. As bacterial infection further invades the gums and bones, your teeth will loosen and potentially fall out. Yet tooth loss isn’t the only complication from periodontitis. If the bacteria seeps into your bloodstream, the infection can result in heart problems, diabetes, and arthritis.

Your treatment options for periodontitis

Periodontitis is a manageable disease, provided you get swift treatment. Your dentist or a periodontist specializing in treating gum disease can devise a periodontal treatment plan for you, which will probably involve one or more of these therapies

Scaling and root planing. In this non-surgical treatment, the dentist deep cleans the teeth and gums of plaque and bacteria. They will smooth the roots to prevent bacteria from attaching to the tooth. Gingivitis can be reversed with scaling and root planing, followed by excellent oral care. Your dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to stop the bacterial infection.

While scaling and root planing are considered non-surgical, surgical treatments may be necessary for more advanced stages of periodontitis and may include the following options.

Flap surgery. After making an incision into your gums, your dentist lifts the gum tissue and removes the buildup of plaque and bacteria. If bone loss is present, the dentist may reshape the bone ridge before stitching the gums back into place.

Gum graft. To restore lost gum tissue, your dentist patches over the area where the gums recede with a graft taken from the roof of your mouth or a donor. The graft promotes new gum tissue growth and protects the roots of the tooth from further decay.

Bone graft. Periodontitis can lead to bone loss. But lost bone can be replaced with a graft from your own bone, donated bone, or artificial material.

Tissue regeneration. Another method to regenerate destroyed bone is through guided tissue regeneration. A special fabric between your tooth and bone boosts the expansion of new bone while preventing other types of tissue from interfering with bone regeneration.

Platelet-rich plasma. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection can also spur bone and gum tissue growth. After taking your blood sample, your dentist spins it in a special machine to weed out your plasma, which is injected into the area where bone and gum tissue are deficient.

Want to prevent periodontitis? Try these tips.

Although periodontitis can be treated and managed successfully, you can easily prevent it with extra care. Try these tips to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Brush daily. At least twice daily, brush with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and bacteria.

Floss daily. Make flossing a part of your daily dental routine to clean bacteria and food bits between your teeth.

Eat right. Sugary, starchy foods accelerate the growth of bacteria and decay. Stay away from those foods and instead eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Stop smoking. Not only is smoking a risk factor for gum disease, but it can also slow the healing process after treatment.

See your dentist. Twice-yearly dental checkups allow your dentist to spot early-stage gum disease and start therapy immediately.

Know your risk factors. If gum disease runs in your family or if you have a chronic condition such as diabetes that raises your risk of periodontitis, talk to your dentist. You may need special treatments or more frequent dental checkups.

Give your gums the care they deserve

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Casper, Wyoming, location today! Our highly trained dentists are experts in periodontal care and treatments and can help you overcome gum disease. Don’t live near our Casper, Wyoming, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Casper, Wyoming
1530 Centennial Ct. 
Suite A 
Casper, WY 82609