
Smiles for Life Dominican Republic Humanitarian Trip

Author: krobinson Posted: March 22nd, 2019 Category:

As many of you know, every year from March through June, Levin Family Dental fund-raises for Smiles for Life. Smiles for Life is a way we can give back to the community we live in and do something great around the world.

Here in Denver we have been able to help fund the Child Life Zone at Denver Health Hospital, and currently we partner with Rocky Mountain Active 20-30 to raise money and touch even more local charities. Smiles for Life also recently helped us achieve our goal to do humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic.

On august 28 2014 Dr. Jen and half of the Levin Family Dental team left Denver on a red eye to fly 1000s of miles, sleep on airport floors, and spend countless hours riding a bus into various bateys (or labor communities in sugar cane fields) to provide dentistry to under-served Haitians that immigrated to the Dominican Republic looking for work. The team worked in an environment similar to a sauna in regards to temperature AND humidity, thinking it was going to be as simple as just doing something kind for extremely poor people with no access to health care of any kind.

The Results

What happened in the end is those people gave us a priceless gift that changed our lives forever, and they gave us so much more than we were able to give them. We are so fortunate to have been able to do this work, and couldn’t have done it without you, our patients.

Thank you so much to all of you that support our practice, our team, and even more our fundraising efforts through Smiles for Life. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. You are a part of our family, and even your well wishes before and after the trip meant so much to us! We are looking forward to next year’s opportunity to raise more, do more, and help more!

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