
Four Tips to Speed Up Your Dental Capping Recovery Process

Four Tips to Speed Up Your Dental Capping Recovery Process
Author: Espire Dental Posted: November 2nd, 2023 Category:

A dental crown can last a long time, but it also depends on how you treat it in the days following the capping procedure.

Suppose your dental crown has been fitted, and you’re finally free from the pain of a badly decayed tooth. Now what? As with any dental procedure, what you do after the capping process determines how long the crown stays in place. After all the time and expense of getting a crown, you’ll want to extend its lifespan as long as possible.

Recovery from a dental crown placement is typically brief and relatively painless. Taking proper care of your crown at this time will ensure the crown protects your natural tooth for many years. We’ll dive into some tips to help you do that below. 

Dental capping procedure: Four after-care tips

While dental crowns are often used to restore a severely decayed or broken tooth, they serve other purposes. A dental crown or cap typically covers a root canal or dental bridge. The final piece of a dental implant is a crown. 

You can resume your normal activities immediately following the capping procedure. However, your mouth may feel numb for about an hour, so be careful not to bite your cheek or tongue. Any minor pain and sensitivity can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medications or gels. A toothpaste for sensitive teeth can also help.

Although crowns are made of strong materials, including metal, ceramic, and porcelain, they can break if not handled carefully. The cement used to secure the crown needs a few days to solidify. After getting your crown, you can speed up your recovery and make sure the crown stays intact by following these four basic instructions:

Don’t eat sticky, crunchy foods. Sticky foods such as caramels may pull the crown off the tooth. Biting down on hard foods, including nuts and popcorn, can possibly break the newly placed cap. To give the crown a chance to become fully secured to the tooth, eat a soft diet of yogurt or mashed potatoes for a few days. 

Avoid hot or cold foods. The gums around the crown may feel slightly sensitive to extreme temperatures, so avoid eating or drinking hot or cold foods.

Chew on the opposite side of your mouth. You can chew normally with a crown placed over a damaged tooth. But for a day or two, try to chew on the opposite side of the crown to shield it from any damage.

Brush carefully around the crown. Treat your crown as your natural tooth, which means brushing and flossing daily. Just do so carefully immediately following the capping process to prevent accidentally uprooting the crown.

Finally, see your dentist if you notice anything unusual. Although rare, a crown may loosen or break. If pain and sensitivity lasts longer than a week, contact your dentist. The crown may need adjustment.

Capping is a common dental procedure, and your crown should last between five to 15 years with care. In fact, one study found that 95 percent of crowns remained intact for five years. Even so, a crown can last a lifetime when looked after properly.

Meet your crown specialists in Wyoming

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Casper, Wyoming, location today! The Espire Dental team in Casper has been serving the community for over ten years. Our highly trained dentists can check your teeth and repair a damaged crown if needed. Don’t live near our Casper, Wyoming, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Casper, Wyoming
1530 Centennial Ct. 
Suite A
Casper, WY 82609