Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Author: Espire Dental Posted: January 29th, 2019 Category:

For most people, the most important thing is how they look from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes. They also love to have wonderful smiles. The problem with a fantastic smile is that your teeth must be in perfect health and look white and dazzling. Unfortunately, often teeth are the biggest problem with people and very often need to have some kind of cosmetic dentistry done before people can face the world with an amazing smile.

One of the choices you have is cosmetic teeth whitening. With time and due to food or smoking teeth start looking yellowish. This kind of procedure which is also known as teeth bleaching can help you get back a white and bright smile. The procedure can be done at your dentist’s office or even at your home. Your teeth will lose their discoloration and stains and become white again. If you choose an at home method do ask your dentist first.

Another procedure for improving the look of your teeth is to have cosmetic dental veneers applied. Veneers can be made of either composite material or porcelain. Your dentist will cement them to the front of your teeth to correct such imperfections as discolored, chipped or a bit crooked teeth and can even be used to cover up spaces between the teeth.

If missing teeth are making you frown then you might prefer to have your dentist put in cosmetic dental implants. A dental implant is a metal device which has been made so it can replace your missing teeth. It is made out of titanium and the procedure is to place it into your jawbone in the place where you have a missing tooth. This is a permanent thing and the implant is meant to act like the root of a tooth onto which an artificial tooth is placed.

There are also cosmetic dental crowns or caps which have been custom made so they can fit over a tooth. They’re usually created out of porcelain or acrylic and can be used to treat teeth which are in bad shape, decaying, broken, chipped or to cover spaces between teeth.

You can opt to have cosmetic teeth shaping or enamel shaping in which your dentist reshapes your tooth by filling up or by removing some of the enamel.

Your dentist can also do cosmetic tooth bonding which is a process where tooth-colored material is bonded to your tooth. It can repair or improve your appearance especially if you have a tooth that is stained, chipped or even broken.

These are just some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures that can give you back your dazzling smile. Talk to your dentist about what you would like done with your teeth and then make the decision about which procedure would be best for you. Afterward, you will feel so much better and your teeth will look fantastic again. Remember that cosmetic procedures can help improve the look of your teeth without having to have them removed.