When is it Too Late to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

When is it Too Late to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Most people get their wisdom teeth extracted in their teens and 20s. But no one is too old to get their wisdom teeth removed. 

Most adults get their wisdom teeth removed between the ages of 17 and 25. That’s the time when those third molars erupt and cause problems. But what about older adults experiencing issues with wisdom teeth? Is it ever too late to get your wisdom teeth removed?

Definitely not! Even if you’re over 50 and still have your wisdom teeth intact, you can and should get them extracted. While the surgery may come with a slightly higher chance of complications, the benefits to your oral health far outweigh the minimal risks of having your wisdom teeth removed at any age.

Why wisdom teeth can be removed at any age

Our ancient ancestors needed those extra-large molars in the back of the mouth to chew tough foods. But as meal preparation became more refined and foods easier to bite, we had less use for those teeth. In addition, the human jaw has evolved to become smaller, so we now lack the space to hold those large teeth. As such, when wisdom teeth erupt, they often become impacted at different angles in the jaw, leading to pain, infection, and possible damage to surrounding teeth.

If your wisdom teeth are not causing any dental issues, your dentist may propose keeping them in place and simply monitoring them closely. Other dentists may recommend removing them as a preventive measure. If wisdom teeth start to cause pain, they must be extracted. 

And you’re better off removing them at a young age because the bones and roots are not yet fully developed, making the surgery much easier to perform. Extraction earlier in life minimizes the chance of complications, as well.

Removing wisdom teeth at an older age is often advisable if the molars are causing discomfort and gum infections. Those far-back molars can become decayed if you cannot clean them properly. Leaving them untouched could lead to more oral health problems, such as gum disease and tooth caries.

Admittedly, the older you get, the more risks there are with wisdom teeth removal. For instance, less bone density necessitates a more complex procedure. Recovery is generally longer for older adults, and complications such as bleeding, nerve damage, and infection increase with age. 

But don’t let those potential risks stop you from getting those troublesome wisdom teeth removed! Extracting wisdom teeth, even if you’re over 50, can prevent serious oral health issues in the future. And you want to keep your teeth healthy throughout your life.

Recovering from your wisdom tooth extraction

If you’ve decided to get your wisdom teeth removed, you’ll likely want to know what your recovery will look like. Generally speaking, full recovery takes about six weeks. But during the first few days after the procedure, you should follow these tips to promote healing.

  • Don’t brush your teeth for 24 hours. Instead, rinse with warm water and salt to cleanse your mouth.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications to alleviate any discomfort.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce any swelling.
  • Don’t smoke, as tobacco interferes with the healing process.
  • Eat soft foods such as yogurt and pasta for a few days. Avoid chewy and spicy foods.
  • Don’t sip through a straw. The sucking action could dislodge the blood clot protecting the bone and cause a painful dry socket. 
  • You can resume your normal activities the next day, but avoid strenuous exercise for about a week.

You’ll return to your dentist only if you’ve had stitches that need removal. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as excessive bleeding, fever, or signs of an infection, report them to your dentist. 

Good dental care is a lifelong effort. Whether young or old, you’ll benefit immensely from removing wisdom teeth to improve your oral health.

Getting wisdom teeth removed? Visit Espire Dental in Wyoming

Schedule an appointment at Espire’s Casper, Wyoming, location today! Our highly trained dentists are experts in wisdom teeth removal procedures and can do yours safely and quickly with minimal pain. Don’t live near our Casper, Wyoming, office? Find one of our other locations near you.

Casper, Wyoming
1530 Centennial Ct. 
Suite A 
Casper, WY 82609