Who Needs Dental Implants?

Author: Espire Dental Posted: January 29th, 2019 Category:

Dental implants are excellent devices that create an artificial root in the mouth that can help to keep dental crowns, bridges or dentures in place. It takes the place of the missing root when a tooth falls out or has to be removed. When it comes to replacing teeth, dental implants are often the best option for patients, particularly long-term.

Do you need a dental implant?

Your dentist will recommend a dental implant when you need a crown, bridge or denture prosthetic. They are perfect for people who have a missing tooth or have had to have a tooth removed because of an injury or because of tooth decay. Sometimes, tooth infections can also require the removal of a tooth. When there is a missing space in the mouth, a dental implant can help fill this space with a tooth and protect the rest of the mouth.

Sometimes teenagers are also candidates for dental implants because of the way their mouth is shaped. Once the face has finished developing in later adolescence, a dentist may recommend a dental implant to fill in any leftover spaces.

Dental Implants are Durable

Dental implants have numerous benefits, but one of the most important benefits for patients is the built-in durability. The way that dental implants are set in the mouth create a secure structure so that you won’t worry when you eat, drink, smile or laugh. Any movement with your mouth will not cause your dental implants to shift or move.

This durability will also make it easy to talk and will lend itself to a more comfortable feeling in your mouth. Dental implants give patients a more natural feeling so that there is not a lot of discomfort. Contrast dental implants with dentures, which can feel uncomfortable and unnatural.

Dental Implants Resemble Natural Healthy Teeth

Another aspect of dental implants that many patients love is that dental implants resemble natural healthy teeth. They look “real” and patients feel good about themselves when showing off their teeth by smiling or laughing. Aesthetic appearances matter to many of our patients and it’s important to find treatment options that allow patients to feel confident with their smile.

By resembling healthy teeth, dental implants also help to protect the existing healthy teeth in the mouth. They prevent bone deterioration in the jaw and in the surrounding teeth. Bone loss is one of the factors in tooth loss and in the need for additional procedures and treatments such as additional dental implants and root canals. Getting a dental implant to replace the space left by a missing tooth can keep the rest of the jawbone and the other healthy teeth from becoming damaged. In fact, dental implants are the only treatment option that can protect existing bone.

Contact us for more information about whether or not you would benefit from dental implants. We would be happy to discuss your unique circumstances with you and offer our recommendations as well as answer any questions you may have regarding the process.