Why It’s Never Too Late to Straighten Your Teeth

Author: Espire Dental Posted: March 25th, 2021 Category:

Think you’re too old to have your teeth straightened? Think again! Invisalign can help you get a beautiful smile at any age.

According to popular coming-of-age comedies, getting braces as a teenager and having them removed just in time for the prom is a quintessential rite of passage. However, that experience isn’t as common as you might think. 

Many adults don’t get braces when they’re young and grow up unhappy with their smiles, but don’t seek orthodontic treatment later in life because they think braces are just for kids. Nothing could be further from the truth! If you’ve always dreamed of having straight teeth but didn’t get braces as a teenager, you haven’t missed your window. 

3 Reasons to Straighten Your Teeth Today

According to a 2014 study from the American Association of Orthodontists, over 1.4 million of their patients were adults, and that number continues to grow year after year. Everyone can straighten their teeth, no matter their age, and the benefits of straight teeth go far beyond boosting your confidence. Here are three key reasons to have your teeth straightened:  

  1. You’ll have healthier teeth and gums — When your teeth are crooked or overcrowded, it’s more difficult to successfully remove plaque from hard-to-reach places with regular brushing and flossing. Excess plaque causes tooth decay, which can progress into gingivitis and periodontitis if left untreated. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean and healthy. 
  2. You can reduce your sleep apnea — Did you know that the placement of your teeth can contribute to sleep apnea? If you have an extensive overbite, your “buck teeth” can partially block your airway while you sleep, which causes snoring in mild cases. In severe cases, your overbite can totally block your airway and cause or exacerbate sleep apnea. Once your teeth are straightened, the blockage should resolve itself and you can sleep more easily. 
  3. You’ll look younger — Your teeth tend to collapse inward as you age, which can make you look older. By shifting your teeth back to their original position, you can show off the broadness of your smile, and nothing makes you look more youthful than a bright, straight smile.

These are only a few of the most compelling reasons to finally straighten your teeth after all of these years, but many adults are still reluctant to take the plunge. If you want to straighten your teeth but don’t want to go through the discomfort associated with metal braces, Invisalign is the perfect solution.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign “invisible” braces are actually clear plastic trays that shift your teeth vertically and  horizontally, even rotating them if necessary. Each aligner tray is custom made to fit your teeth at the start of your treatment, and you swap them out for new aligners every two weeks as your teeth change. Wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours a day, and you could have a straight, beautiful smile in as little as six months. 

Invisalign is the perfect solution for adults who want to straighten their teeth, but don’t want to wear metal braces. Invisalign aligners are so clear that you can wear them in public without anyone noticing and you don’t have to deal with snapping rubber bands or painful tightening sessions at the orthodontist. Plus, you won’t have to avoid certain foods like popcorn or gum! Since the aligners are removable, you can take your aligners out to enjoy your favorite foods and put them right back in. Plus, you also don’t have to buy any special brushes to keep Invisalign aligners clean.

There’s never been a better time to straighten your teeth and feel confident at any age!

Don’t Wait!

Invisalign invisible braces are a fast, comfortable, and effective way to straighten your teeth and get the smile of your dreams. To learn more about your treatment options, contact the dental professionals at Espire Dental today! Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priority, and we’ll do everything we can to make sure you have a luxurious, anxiety-free dental experience. Come visit us soon — your smile is too important to wait!