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Are There Side Effects to Whitening Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to improve your smile. If minor side effects occur, you can usually address them with home remedies. Whitening your teeth is a popular way to rejuvenate the color of your teeth and improve your confidence with a shining smile. There are plenty of different kinds of teeth

Do I Need to Use Mouthwash?

For the average person, mouthwash is not really necessary — although it can be an effective way to freshen up your breath.  Mouthwash is a great way to keep your breath fresh, and to rinse food particles out of your mouth after meals. But how necessary is it for your dental hygiene? There’s much debate

Fluoride and Your Dental Health

Fluoride is a helpful mineral found in many tap water supplies that can strengthen enamel and improve long-term dental health.  Fluoride occurs naturally all around us — in rocks, in water, and even in the air we breathe. Fluoride can also be added to drinking water, in a process called fluoridation, which is common in

How Diet Impacts Your Dental Health

Some foods can help improve your dental health, while others contribute to tooth decay. Learn more about how your diet impacts your teeth.  From a young age, we’re taught that candy, soda, and other sugary foods can cause cavities. But most people don’t know there are other foods that can negatively impact our dental health,

Is It Safe to Go to the Dentist During the Pandemic?

Dental offices are experienced at preventing the spread of airborne illnesses, which makes going to the dentist a low-risk activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts recommend that everyone visit their dentist for a checkup and cleaning at least twice a year. Dental visits are an important way to detect cavities and other harmful conditions, and

How to Prevent Tartar Buildup

What is tartar? Is there anything you can do to prevent it? Here’s what you need to know. You’ve learned that it’s important to practice good dental hygiene, but do you know why? Many people would say it’s to reduce plaque (and they’d be right!) but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Tartar buildup

Why Your Teeth Hurt When You Eat Hot or Cold Food

Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods is a common condition that has several different causes. In some cases, home remedies are enough to relieve temperature sensitivity — but sometimes you’ll need to visit a professional.  Ever wonder why other people seem perfectly comfortable biting into an ice cream cone, when just the thought of

What’s the Purpose of a Root Canal?

A root canal procedure eliminates painful infection and tooth decay for lasting dental health.  Whenever we recommend a root canal procedure, patients often ask questions like: Is it painful? Won’t it take a long time to recover? Will I need to be put to sleep?  Fortunately, the answers to these three questions are: no, no,

What to Do If You Chip Your Tooth

Chipped teeth might seem harmless, but even minor chips require attention from a dentist in order to prevent further damage.  Chipped teeth can be the result of biting into hard foods, opening plastic wrappers with your teeth, or simply going about your day-to-day life. Injuries to the mouth are another common cause — including trips

Why It’s Never Too Late to Straighten Your Teeth

Think you’re too old to have your teeth straightened? Think again! Invisalign can help you get a beautiful smile at any age. According to popular coming-of-age comedies, getting braces as a teenager and having them removed just in time for the prom is a quintessential rite of passage. However, that experience isn’t as common as