Category: General Dentistry

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

Are you tired of looking at your crooked teeth in the mirror? You can do something about it! We are all unique, and our physical characteristics set us apart from everyone else. One distinctive feature we all possess is the alignment of our teeth. Some people have straight teeth, while others have crooked teeth. If

Why Do My Teeth Feel Sensitive After A Dental Cleaning?

Do your teeth feel a bit sore after a dental cleaning? It’s normal! Here’s what you can do about it. Suppose you just finished your twice-yearly tooth-cleaning appointment. Great! Your teeth will be better for it. Yet after the visit, your teeth feel more sensitive and maybe even a little painful. Why is that? A

Can I Smoke After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for you. But smoking is especially damaging after you’ve had a wisdom tooth pulled. Getting a wisdom tooth extracted may seem a bit scary. But rest assured, today’s dental techniques will make the experience as painless as possible. After a short recovery period, you’ll be back to normal

Dental Implant Pain: What’s Considered Normal?

Pain after a dental implant procedure is expected. But when does it indicate a complication? No one likes seeing a gap in their teeth. Fortunately, you have three viable options from which to choose to fill that space. Dentures, bridges, or dental implants all replace missing teeth. Of the three, dental implants offer the strongest,

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Traditional dental implants aren’t your only choice to replace missing teeth. Mini dental implants are another option. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, some 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. For decades, bulky dentures and bridges were the only options to replace missing teeth. But modern dentistry has moved beyond those

Is Tooth Drilling Necessary In Dental Treatment?

If you want to get rid of a cavity, you will need to have the tooth drilled. But you have nothing to fear! Dentists use a lot of instruments to treat tooth decay and gum disease. But perhaps the one that causes the most anxiety in patients is the dental drill. Understandably, the mere thought

What Causes Tongue Spasms?

Your tongue is composed of several muscles, so like the muscles in your legs, your tongue can also experience spasms! Your muscles keep you moving. But sometimes, your muscles may spasm or move involuntarily for various reasons. While muscle spasms occur most often in the legs, your tongue can also suddenly and painfully contract and

How Does Chlorine Affect My Teeth?

Swimming is an excellent exercise. But did you know chlorinated water can harm your teeth? Nothing is more refreshing during the hot summer than taking a dip in your local swimming hole or backyard pool. But the chlorine used to protect the water from harmful bacteria could pose a hidden danger to your teeth! An

Are Gum Piercings Safe?

Gum piercing can be a fun, unique way to express your identity. But it comes with much risk. Tattoos and body piercings are popular forms of modern self-expression. One body piercing that’s growing in popularity is a gum piercing, also known as a smiley piercing. The piercing is made at the front of the mouth