Category: Health And Wellness

Good Oral Health Can Help Keep COVID-19 Away

Everyone wants to avoid catching COVID-19. Maintaining good oral hygiene is an excellent place to start. Did you know that there’s a connection between COVID-19 and your oral health? Poor oral health has been linked to a host of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes. It shouldn’t be surprising then that the condition

Dry Mouth Toothpaste: Does It Actually Work?

If you have dry mouth, you may be wondering if dry mouth toothpaste actually works. The short answer is yes — as long as you pick the right one. Not only is dry mouth uncomfortable, but it can also lead to bad breath, cavities, and tooth decay. Luckily, there are a few things you can do

What Does It Mean to Have Soft Teeth?

Have you ever heard someone say that they have ‘soft teeth’ and wondered what they meant? 96 percent of your teeth’s enamel is composed of minerals, making this outer, protective layer of your teeth your body’s hardest substance, and people with dental decay often blame their genetics and ‘soft teeth.’ However, most individuals have ‘soft’

Is It Safe to Get Dental X-Rays While Pregnant?

It’s a common misconception that dental x-rays are dangerous for pregnant women. The surge of pregnancy hormones actually make you more susceptible to gum disease, thus increasing the necessity of dental x-rays. If you’re pregnant, you may have heard the common misconception that getting dental x-rays while pregnant is dangerous for the fetus. However, the

How Poor Oral Hygiene Impacts your Dating Game

If you’re looking for your perfect match, having a healthy smile is more important than you might think! Here’s everything you need to know. A recent survey by showed a great smile is the single most important factor for both men and women choosing potential partners. 71% of women and 58% of men said

What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

Those who are pregnant have a higher risk of developing gingivitis. At Espire Dental, we can help you understand, prevent, and treat pregnancy gingivitis. If you’ve read our other articles about pregnancy and dental health, you’ll remember that pregnant women are at an increased risk of gingivitis. In fact, between 60 and 70% of women

Should You Try CocoFloss?

If you’re struggling to establish a flossing routine, Cocofloss — a strong, flexible, coconut dental floss — can help. Given that over 700 different species of bacteria live in your mouth and your toothbrush can only reach 65 percent of your teeth’s surfaces, flossing should be a crucial part of your daily dental hygiene routine.

How Smoking Affects Your Dental Health

Smoking tobacco can have damaging effects on your dental health, from stained teeth to oral cancer. Find out how you can protect your smile. Smoking, especially long-term, can negatively impact many different aspects of your dental health. When you smoke, the combination of chemicals you inhale can lead to cosmetic issues like tooth discoloration, as

How to Check for Cavities at Home

If left untreated, cavities can lead to infection, tooth loss, root canals, crowns, implants, and more. Understanding how to identify a cavity in its early stages means more time for preventative measures to protect your teeth from decay. 92 percent of adults have cavities, or small holes in the tooth enamel. If left untreated, cavities

Signs of a Gum Abscess

A gum abscess is a serious condition that can become dangerous without immediate medical attention.  A gum abscess is a painful, potentially dangerous condition that results from an infection. It is often accompanied by swelling, pain, and redness, but not always — an early gum abscess might simply feel like a sensitive tooth. Because gum