How To Get a Celebrity Smile

Author: Espire Dental Posted: May 9th, 2011 Category:

How To Get a Movie Star Smile

Porcelain veneers are the instant way to perfect white teeth today. If you ever wanted a beautiful smile like a movie star but were scared of the pain and costs involved, then porcelain veneers can be a solution.

Cosmetic dentistry has become very popular and affordable.

Today crooked or stained teeth can easily and quickly be fixed with porcelain veneers.

A tooth gap can be closed instantly without the use of braces.

Handcrafted from durable porcelain, custom shaded to blend with your existing teeth, veneers are semi-translucent shells that Dr. Gasper can permanently bond to your front teeth.

They will completely transform your smile, and they may change your life!

Learn more.