Category: General Dentistry

What is Tooth Wax?

Are your braces hurting you? You can try stopping the pain with tooth wax. Braces have helped millions of people achieve straighter teeth. However, metal braces can sometimes irritate the mouth, lips, and gums. If your braces are causing discomfort, schedule an appointment with your dentist to see if an adjustment is necessary. But what

What Should I Do if I Have a Broken Retainer?

Getting a repaired or replacement retainer quickly isn’t always possible. Here’s what to do while you wait for a new retainer. Congratulations! You’re finally done with braces or Invisalign trays. Now, you can enjoy the straight teeth of your dreams. But there’s one more step in the process: You must wear either a fixed or

How Do I Know If I Have Fluoride Deficiency?

Strong teeth need a healthy amount of fluoride, so how do you know you’re getting enough? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water, soil, plants, and rocks. But you’ve probably heard about fluoride often as a weapon in the fight against tooth decay.  The explanation is simple: Fluoride is also present in our

Do I Need Denture Adhesive?

Do you want a more secure fit with your dentures? Try a denture adhesive. Getting your full or partial dentures is a significant step in improving your dental health. You can speak and chew with confidence with a new set of teeth! Ideally, your new dentures should fit securely without a denture adhesive. Yet, many denture wearers

What are Flipper Dentures?

Are you missing a front tooth or some teeth? Your dentist can save the day by filling the gap with temporary flipper dentures! Losing any tooth to injury or decay can be an unsettling, painful experience. But seeing a missing gap in your front teeth can be particularly traumatic. You may become self-conscious about your

Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Proper Tongue Posture!

Proper posture when sitting or standing reduces back pain. But did you know there is such a thing as proper tongue posture?  “Stand up straight!” You’ve probably heard that advice many times when you were young. Good posture, whether sitting or standing, maintains your balance and reduces back pain. Yet your spine isn’t the only part

Sealants for National Children’s Dental Health Month

It’s never too early to set your child on a path to good oral health, especially with February as National Children’s Dental Health Month. To raise awareness about the importance of oral health among our youngsters, February is designated as National Children’s Dental Health Month. The event launched on Feb. 8, 1949 as a day-long

Can My Dentist Treat My Sleep Apnea?

Waking up tired and irritable? It could be due to sleep apnea — and your dentist can help. Restorative sleep is essential for your well-being. Without it, you’ll wake up groggy and irritable. Yet for people with sleep apnea, enjoying forty winks every night is nearly impossible. The American Sleep Apnea Association estimates the disorder

Rotten Teeth? Try These Five Ways To Fix Them!

Tooth decay is a common dental issue. But it’s easily preventable and fixable if you take the right care! Nobody wants rotten teeth! Whether called tooth decay, cavities, or dental caries, rotten teeth cause pain and difficulty eating or drinking. Cavities grow when bacteria breeds in your mouth from sugary or starchy foods. As the

Do I Have Sensitive Gums or Sensitive Teeth?

You’re experiencing weird sensations in your mouth, but are your teeth at fault, or is it your gums? Learn the differences between gum and tooth sensitivity to identify the best remedy. Our mouths are pretty essential to our daily lives. That’s why it’s so frustrating when we start experiencing sensitivity and pain there. Worse, once